Welsh Association of Motor Clubs 

Event Date Event Name Type Status Organising Club Championships
30 Aug -> 1 Sep Rali Ceredigion SR Int Teifi Valley Motor Club Ltd Welsh Tarmacadam Championship
1 Sep Late Summer Sprint S IC Longton and District Motor Club Ltd
7 Sep Phil Price Memorial Woodpecker Rally SR DP Sixty and Worcestershire Motor Club
7 Sep Woodpecker SR IC Sixty and Worcestershire Motor Club Welsh National Forest Championship
8 Sep Kennings Trophy Autotest A CM Caernarvonshire and Anglesey Motor Club
14 Sep -> 15 Sep Palferman Road Rally RR IC Caernarvonshire and Anglesey Motor Club
14 Sep -> 15 Sep Autumn Road Rally RR CM Carmarthen Motor Club Welsh Road Rally Championship
14 Sep -> 15 Sep BARC Wales Autumn Sprint S IC BARC (Wales Centre) Welsh Sprint and Hillclimb Championship
21 Sep Twilight Targa TA DP Stockport 061 Motor Club
22 Sep Get it Sideways StreetCar AutoSolo AS CM Cannock and District Car Club
28 Sep -> 29 Sep Rali Meirion RR IC Harlech and District Motor Club Welsh Road Rally Championship
28 Sep -> 29 Sep Castle Combe Circuit Stages SR IC Bath M C Ltd
1 Oct Nav Scatter N CM Herefordshire Motor Club Ltd


Cancelled Live Postponed Unknown


CM = Clubman
DP = Dual Permit
E = Exempt
IC = Interclub
Int = International
N/A = Non Applicable
Nat = National
TBA = To Be Advised


A = Autotest
AS = Autosolo
B = 12 Car Rally
CT = Car Trial
E = Economy Run
H = Historic Rally
K = Scatter
L = Cross Country
M = Multi Use Venue Rally
N = Navigational Exercise
O = Other
Q = Rallycross
Q = Awards Evening
RR = Road Rally
RT = Rally Time Trial
S = Sprint / Hillclimb
SR = Stage Rally
ST = Scenic Tour
T = Trial
TA = Targa